Children's Ministry

Our most energetic ministry designed for our younger group! Whether it's AWANA on Wednesday evenings or Sunday morning small groups (Sunday School, Children's Church), FBC is always ready to demonstrate Jesus's love for kids. If your child is looking to get active, check out Vacation Bible School in the summer and Upward Basketball in the winter."Train up a child in way he should go; even when he old he will not depart from it." -Proverbs 22:6

Youth (Grades 6-12)

Our student ministry is a very active group focusing on growing together in the name of Jesus Christ through fellowship and the study of His Word. We have weekly bible studies on Mondays for high school students & Tuesdays for middle school Students. On Sunday mornings, we have bible studies for all grades in Sunday School, as well as big events mixed in throughout the year. For more information contact Pastor Korey.

Young Adults

A bible study small group for ages 18-29, meeting every Sunday night off campus, led by Pastor Dylan. Our goal is to build upon a spiritual foundation and help work their way through life. Discussions often reflect weekly experiences of trials and triumphs a person might experience and ways to process them through biblical teaching.

Senior Adults

First Baptist is blessed to have a large number of older adults within our congregation, the surrounding community, and winter guests in the Okeechobee area. We value the collected wisdom, diverse skills, interests and unique talents of those aged 55 and older. We honor their sacrifice and service, and acknowledge the centrality they play in the life of our church. As a ministry, it is our goal to help individuals become fully devoted and growing followers of Christ who not only joyfully serve now but who leave a heritage of faithfulness to those who will come behind us.Jet Set is an appropriate name because our seniors are very active. You can find them serving in most every area of church life. We gather together several times a month for our second Tuesday night dinner and program, our fourth Tuesday game night, and periodic Bible studies on Thursday mornings. In addition we have day trips and at least one overnight retreat each year. For more information about our Senior Adult Ministry, you can contact Pastor Tom.

Missions & Outreach

FBC Okeechobee has a heart for those in need. We desire to show everyone the love of Christ just as it has been shown to us. We reach out to our local community providing food and clothing to those in need at our Mission House on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9am-12pm. We are committed to participating in many community outreach events and mission projects within and outside our city.

Sew Faithful Ministry

This began as a Quilt Ministry in 2004. Since that time, over 4,200 quilts have been given to share the love of Jesus Christ with those in need of comfort. The ministry has continued to evolve into other ways of using their talents and resources God has provided. Sewing for Operation Christmas Child, placemats for Meals on Wheels, items for the homeless are just a few. areas. Their regular workday is the first Saturday of each month to sew together and turn in completed quilts and projects and also have Tuesday Sewcial on the second Tuesday of the month. All interested sewers are welcome!

Women's Ministry

The women's ministry heads up many group activities that take place throughout the year, such as ladies conferences and Love In Action - A ministry that raises funds for medical bills of those in need.

Men's Ministry

This is a group of men of all ages that meets on the first Thursday of each month. Our goal is to reach out and be servants to the community, showing the love of Christ through our willingness to help meet others needs.